
Tuesday is Non-spoilerish chapter title day. In 4 weeks, on Tuesday Oct 29, SHATTERED BONDS drops. So I’ll be dropping little tidbits here on the website blog. 

Chapter Three

Acting Enforcer to The Dark Queen

In-ter-es-ting. Why would Jane need an *acting* Enforcer? Who was the old one? Do you remember? I do. (buffs nails on lapels) What’s the old one doing? 

Chapter Four

Beast Needs Dead Cow for Magic

Let’s face it. Beast needs dead cow for everything. But magic? Is she trying to be coy and (koff-koff) catty? Did you follow closely enough to get a sneak-peek at the UN-EDITED short story about Beast Hunting Cows with Trees on their Heads? 10K of you who follow me on FaceBook and / or who subscribe to this website blog did! Eventually I’ll rewrite it and add some parts and probably change the timing and it will be released as ebook or something similar. FUN!

Oh! More cool stuff. Today is the release for a LONG magazine interview. You can subscribe for free, and read stuff about Jane and Nell and all the crew, and about me. I’m in there too, with pics and stuff. LOL Here’s the link:

Also, it isn’t too late to order a signed paperback book from here:

Later Gators!