Dear Friends and Fans,

I’ll keep this short. This has been a difficult for 18 + months for many, including me. Life changing. For some, death-bringing.

And it isn’t over. As much as we want to bury our heads in the sand, and simply return to life as it was, this virus isn’t over. Even vaccinated, my team isn’t wiling to risk new variants. And because I am the primary errand runner and caregiver to my mother and her husband, I do not feel it is safe to bring a potentially deadly variant back home to them. I am vaccinated, but because so many who could be vaccinated are not, I do not feel it in my best interests to attend a large con at this time. Last week I informed the Con Chairs of my decision, and they were graceful and understanding. I hope my friends and fans understand as well. 

Please get vaccinated. The fourth wave can be averted if we all will take precautions.

I miss you all.
