Dirty Deeds 2 Snippet #3

DIRTY DEEDS 2 Something like 880 pages of romping bloody mayhem filled magical murder and mischief. The eBook antho releases tomorrow, with the paperback to come sometime in the next week or so. (Supply problems abound)   From Jennifer Estep’s Heart Stings:...

Dirty Deeds 2 Snippets #2

As you all know, DIRTY DEEDS 2 releases on June 7 as an eBook. Yes the paperback will follow, but–warning–it will be HUGE (over 800 pages) and pricy because it is SO LONG! From Devon Monk’s Oak and Ink:   Fate was coming. The roar of her...

DIRTY DEEDS 2 Snippets #1

Dirty Deeds 2, and all the great stories (two long ones by me) is not a secret! The eBook is out June 7. The paperback will be out soon after because supply problems persist. Note — Paperbacks will be HUMONGOUS and they will be pricey, the Ebook is not. ...

One of my FAVE authors — Jean Rabe

This is a must read. Piper is a seriously cool character and Jean Rabe is a seriously good author. Below is a blog from the author. To read excerpts and buy, you know where to go! Your favorite bookstore.   Yes, Virginia, there really is a Santa Claus, Indiana....