And so the Countdown Begins

Hi all. We are 2 weeks out from the release of SHATTERED BONDS. The blog tour starts today here, at SlipperyWords.  There are prezzies and giveaways and non-spoilerish excerpts and even a serial short story. Mostly, all versions are up and available for preorder...

Tuesday 3 Weeks Out

Morning! We are 3 weeks out from SHATTERED BONDS! Tuesday are Non-spoilerish chapter titles day! And info about other things, of course. Chapter Five I Had to Apologize to A Werewolf No one is surprised that Jane has to apologize. Like her writer she she has a big...

Tuesday, 4 Weeks Out

Morning!  Tuesday is Non-spoilerish chapter title day. In 4 weeks, on Tuesday Oct 29, SHATTERED BONDS drops. So I’ll be dropping little tidbits here on the website blog.  Chapter Three Acting Enforcer to The Dark Queen In-ter-es-ting. Why would Jane...

Tuesday, 5 Weeks Out

Morning y’all. Shattered Bonds drops on Tuesday Oct 29, in 5 weeks. That just hit me. So I’ll be doing fun stuff stuff here. To start, I’m doing chapter headings. You know. Those title headers y’all like so much. On TUESDAYS! Today I’m...

A convo with Beast

Morning, Y’all. Being Beast’s mom (in the creative sense) means I have conversations with her often. Most of these Convo’s appear first on the Newsletter (on this website’s home page. Scan down because I created a big empty hole in the middle...