Faith’s Blog: Faith’s Flood #writerslife

Faith’s Blog: Faith’s Flood  #writerslife  After the well was fixed, we had about two days of bliss: long hot showers; loads of laundry washed and dried; dishwasher run with a sani-rinse, to make sure everything was truly clean. So much lovely water....

Faith’s Blog : Faith’s Well Woes

This is Faith’s Blog, AKA Faith’s Well Woes Morning Y’all! I dashed this off, so please forgive the typos! I live in the country. Sort of. We have a well and septic. We don’t pay city taxes. We don’t get city services like garbage...

Kestrel’s Dance (book 2 in series)

LOVE me some MAD KESTREL! Seriously, y’all, there are some go-to series in my reading life and anything Kestrel is on the list! It’s Pirate Fantasy for YA and up, and I have been waiting (very patiently) on book two in the series for ages! MAD KESTREL...

Mad Kestrel and Kestrel’s Dance Blog Tour

Bloggers out there! One of my favorite sereis is up for a blog tour! Sign up pretty please?