Jane Yellowrock News

I have NEW NEWS in this, the buildup to the release of Jane Yellowrock book 10. But first — SHADOW RITES is out April 5. Pre Order now! And here’s the blog tour. And the NEW NEWS??? The title to book 11…. COLD REIGN! Totally love it! WHOOTY WHOOT!...

Things to Keep in Mind Prior to SHADOW RITES

YES, there will be a blog tour with a chance to win prizes. (Info to follow) YES, there will be a signing. So far, only one. (Info to follow) YES exactly one month after SHADOW RITES ( Jane Yellowrock book 10) is released, I will be attending a conference where you...

And the run-up to SHADOW RITES Begins!

There will be a lot of news in the next weeks about SHADOW RITES, but one chat in particular will be fantastic. Why? Because the book will have been out long enough that we can talk about what’s happened to Jane, the Youngers, Bruiser and the whole cast without...


If you want SWAG to pass around to bookshops, libraries and friends, I HAVE IT. All Faith, all the time, different books. Please send a self-addressed envelope with three stamps to   Mindy Mymudes PO Box 241721 Milwaukee, WI 53224   Crank up the NOIZ! PS! Write Faith...