More on Rafflecopter Giveaway!

Happy Holidays from some of your favorite Urban Fantasy/Fantasy/Paranormal Romance authors! Five lucky winners will receive a random selection of books from NYT Best Selling Authors Faith Hunter, Jennifer Estep, Darynda Jones. Also David B. Coe, Laura Anne Gilman,...

Free Books? Rafflecopter!

Hi all! Along with some of my favorite writers, I am doing a huge HOLIDAY book giveaway! Follow along and register everywhere you can. All sorts of books to be given away. Slippery Words  November 24th, 2015 I Smell Sheep  November 25th, 2015 Literal...

Lucienne Diver — EROS…

Need I say more than the title? I mean, really? But here it is, from Lucienne, from her series, the character Eros, in all his glory — Hi all! Ah, what do we say about Eros?  Hmm…Eros is the son of Aphrodite and Ares.  As such, he’s a bit of a trouble-maker...

More Stuff and Stuff and Stuff

Hey ALL! Lottsa tiny bits of news. A more personal update will follow on the next blog. First — These are the events and cons I am attending in Feb.  2016. I just discovered that I will be at Booknack in Rock Hill SC for a release day book signing on Feb 2, for...