SHADOW RITES Snippet and Cemeteries of NOLA

 Before we start on the Snippet — I just now finished the first full draft of SHADOW RITES, JY book 10. It is 109,000+ words and about 347 pages. Tomorrow, I start the revisions. WHOOT! (Photos from one of many cemeteries in NOLA, though not the one described...

CAT FIGHT — Snippet

From a Novella from The World of Jane Yellowrock By Faith Hunter 33,480  words — to be published in BLOOD IN HER VEINS in Feb. 2016 Author’s Note: This short story will take place (in the JY timeline) after Dark Heir. “The Master of the City of New Orleans sends...

John G. Hartness – The Big “What if?”

Hey Y’all! I’ve asked John G. Hartness to my site today because he has stuff to say and I always learn something while laughing and having a good time with it. Take it away John! F~ Back in the 1980s, Marvel Comics ran a title called What If? and it was...

Snippet–Shadow Rites

I promised I’d be putting all snippets here instead of on FB, so here is number one! Please share the link with your pals and on social media! Snippet: As if reading my mind, Eli said, “This isn’t going down like attrition warfare, where success is quantified by...