by Faith | Jul 29, 2015
Hey Y’all! I’ve asked John G. Hartness to my site today because he has stuff to say and I always learn something while laughing and having a good time with it. Take it away John! F~ Back in the 1980s, Marvel Comics ran a title called What If? and it was...
by Faith | Jul 27, 2015
I promised I’d be putting all snippets here instead of on FB, so here is number one! Please share the link with your pals and on social media! Snippet: As if reading my mind, Eli said, “This isn’t going down like attrition warfare, where success is quantified by...
by Faith | Jul 20, 2015
Hi all. This is a letter to update you about changes in my writer’s life, my books’ release dates, short stories, freebies, and to hint at new stuff to come. First, the changes: I’ll be posting all snippets here instead of on Facebook. The reason is...
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