by Faith | Sep 28, 2015
Annnnd we have a winner for the WERE anthology poll! Jane and Gee will go for a hunt… and have to fight a were creature of unusual size, one *that should not be*. Thank you everyone for voting. I am hanging on to the poll for the next shorts. I know what the...
by Faith | Sep 21, 2015
Morning all! The short story I am writing for the Kickstarter WERE met its stretch goal of $15K. Therefore, the story I write will be set in the Jane Universe. Fans get to vote on the character, said voting to be done STARTING TODAY and running through Monday...
by Faith | Sep 17, 2015
This has been a long week already, and though it is nearly noon as I write this, I am still wearing PJs and robe and … oddly enough, river flops, while sitting at my desk with a cooling cuppa chai latte. The exhausted dogs are asleep, Tommy on the couch, tucked...
by Faith | Sep 13, 2015
Ads for the power drink the Kid just fell in love with. A Q & A with the Kid. And much more. Sign up at this link. Faith
by Faith | Sep 11, 2015
Get a look at the new swag, introduced to the people who came to my reading. A lucky few bought one!
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